Ive been gone a long time with no excuse..
except for maybe that im lazy wtf srry

Yesterday or maybe the day before was boxing day and I was so bored out of my goddamn mind and so my lovely mom said we could go to the fosse of the park and do some sale shopping!
Ive never been boxing day sale shopping before so I was expecting some sort of antelope being chased by a lion type thing.

First we did M&S .. where I got cookie cutters wtf I guess the housewife side of me came into play

Second NewLook


Floral jac - £19.99 - £8

Daisy tank - £12.99 - £6

Burnout ll sweat - £14.99 - £5
Also I got nail stickers and black lipstick just for the heck of it.

In boots I got 5 rolls of 24 film for £15.

And thats it for sale shopping boxing day..... BUT WAIT!
did you think I would let you off that easilly?
Ive been gone a long time! and H&M almost always have sales on...


Cat tank #1 - £4

Cat tank #2 - £4

I forgot original price but that doesnt matter cause I paid £4

and online purchase!

Not 100% on the price

And well I think thats an update on all of my purchases so far...
Unless I count the shorts I am wearing in these pictures which I bought full price on christmas eve...


One last though! If you have been missing me so much your days have been left empty.. You can take a look at my daily blog! ! Dayre is an amazing app that you can use to update throughout the day (like you would twitter..) and it puts it into a blog post for you!