Had a surprisingly nice but relaxing week this week!

On Thursday I had to go to college to do a couple placement tests then had the dentist.

On Friday I saw Fii and we went into Leicester for some shopping / outfit photos taking then later in the day I saw Alex and we got some food. It was also my parents wedding anniversary so I dragged Fii to this lovely artisan chocolate shop in the lanes in Leicester and she took some amazing shots of the chocolate.

I had a slow start on Saturday due to feeling pretty unwell but in the afternoon I saw Rebecca and we got some chip shop chips and chilled / caught up with the youtube drama. We also got dessert pizzas but my camera broke the footage >;

Speaking of youtube drama-  how amazing has it been recently?? I started the week with only one friend to talk to it about (hi Adam! #teamian4lyf) but then forced both Alex and Rebecca to watch the videos and now they're into it is as well which is just....amazing :')

aaaand that was my week!