photos by Tom Henshaw

If there's one trend i've never really understood or been able to get behind - it's the inside out trend. I'm not sure where it came from but a couple years ago I remember ordering a jumper, it arriving and me just assuming it was a factory issue.. but no??
perhaps it wasnt.
For Christmas, I got this super soft dusty pink jumper and... I love it! Except for the completely visible seams. Nevertheless one afternoon I decided to wear it during a trip into Leicester with Tom. Paired with a skirt I had also gotten from Primark, and my fav mini backpack from Topshop I felt like it created quite the interesting outfit. I liked it. v comfortable.

My shoes also came from Primark and were purchased in an attempt to introduce more flats into my wardrobe, i'm not as young as I once was... Heels are a luxury my body cannot afford to wear anymore. I cant remember their exact price but they were between 10 & 15£ and do their job pretty well!
It was a lovely day to take a slow walk to the New Walk Museum, perhaps a little too nice to have actually gone inside the museum but we did it anyway- and it was fab! Museums are great! Make sure 2 support them in any way that u can.
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Photos by Tom Henshaw - Twitter // Website // Instagram