This year alone ive probably obtained a good 6 or so wigs from
They are consistently good quality for a good price.

I havent reviewed every single wig I got as I bought them as I just didnt think you would be interested, however Lockshop have brought out a new wig and in a complete sense of 'OMG I NEED THIS' I spent the last of my savings on it.
(Not my brightest idea, I must admit).

But I dont regret it....that much.

I got Muse Plum which is a part of their new Pure collection and in their own words-
Our Pure collection consist of wigs meant for everyday wear, they are much lighter than our regular wigs which means that you will barely notice you're wearing any wig at all.
A quick timeline-
On 28/11/2014 I placed my order.
On 2/12/2014 my order was shipped.
On 9/12/2014 my order arrived.

Everything arrived neatly packed in a mailing bag and then the wig and wig cap were wrapped in tissue paper while to - surprise - free gifts were just inside the bag.
I say surprise because ... its never happened before.

I got some clear plastic bobbles, a wig comb and some hair grips! All useful things.

Like all of my wigs from Lockshop they fit perfectly! Have you ever ordered a wig off ebay and when you went to try it on been shocked that it wont fit and then wonder how big your head is??
(I have)
This has never happened with Lockshop.  ❤

The wig is very dark.. It reminds me of those blue/black hair dyes everyone was dying their hair a few years ago. Black inside but in the sun it shines blue-y..
On my camera it shows up brown/slightly red and inside it just looks brown.
However once I was outside I found it does look a little plum .... I dont know what I did wrong when taking photos :$

All in all- I really like this wig! It wouldnt make it to my favourites but if I was missing having a darker hair colour this would be the first wig I would pull out and wear.
Its really light! Normally after wearing a wig for a few hours it can start to feel heavy, but not this one! I wore it all afternoon and I almost forgot I was wearing it! Quite a hazard really..

Im really disappointed with the photos that I got, I also filmed a video and I am so glad that I did as it shows its true colour a lot more. I dont know what was up with the lighting when I took these photos but it really did not do the wig justice. Atleast you can see how lovely the style is from the pictures...? I am so so so tempted to get this wig in a few different colours, just because of how nice the style is...
(it even looks nice now that ive brushed it through!)

The video is only 61 seconds long and really shows the wig off better...->

Well.. Thanks for reading!