Merry Christmas! uh..26th December. I hope you had a good day!
I was trying to decide if I should do a 'What I got for Christmas' post and after many hours of baking cupcakes I decided that I'd grab all of the cute things and see if they looked good or not (#excuseforshoddylighting).

Christmas as a whole isn't a huge deal in our house and this year I just haven't been feeling Christmas-sy? I spent a lot of December frustrated because I couldn't find any decent Christmas Cards. Still minorly annoyed at how not good the ones I ended up using were. Is it too late to have a re-do? I just realised we also didn't do advent calendars this this what getting old is like?
But yes, Christmas isn't a huge deal in our house but it does mark the end of the *not being able to buy yourself things because others want to buy stuff for you* thing that I have going on from September onwards. Thanks me for being born in October. Thanks Adam for letting me have TS4 Get Together early.
and that is definitely something to celebrate.

I like reading posts about things people get, they're usually really interesting with tonnes of pretty pictures and funny captions. That and reading everyone's version of "it's not gifts that matter, it's the thought put into said gifts and the spending time with family that matters". We all know that. We don't care. Just tell us what you got to fulfil our curiosity and general nosiness.
That being said, this post is gonna suck because I can't be bothered to take photos of everything I got because I spent the whole evening baking and all I really wanna do is eat cupcakes and watch Let's Plays of Cities Skylines. #doIgetaspecialsnoflakecardyet
I am gonna do a list though- because that is something I can do. Only naming things you can see on the pictures counts as a full list right?

quick note, I got a tonne of makeup probably because a few months back I realised my eyeshadow palette was 3 years old and my mum told me off because u only get eyeballs once hannah don't ruin them with out of date eyeshadow.

○ Benefits No. 1 Selection box ○
possibly better than chocolate- we will see

○ other Benefit thing ○
contains a sample foundation and concealer- yet to find out if it is my skintone


○ Better than Sex Mascara ○
A new mascara is a new mascara.

○ The Suicide Club ○
a book I placed on my Amazon wishlist a few years back that was probably moved near the top when I merged all the wishlists. Had to add in the pics for those #edgy vibes.

○ Many packets on AC Amiibo Cards ○
I got DJ KK and I am v happy right now.

○ Standing Mixer ○
Technically got this on Black Friday weekend but still counts bc it is my one tru love.

○ Nivea Gift Set ○
the lip balm is my fav

○ Some Fancy Looking Gift Set in a Cool Red Tin from a Brand I Have Never Heard Of ○
I am most definitely going to use that tin to store stuff in. Nail polish maybe? 

○ Monkey USB ○
I love novelty gifts. and this one is cute.

○ 1yr Subscription to habbo Vintage Life Magazine ○
plus Decembers issue w Dita on the cover

○ Five blocks of butter ○
this wasn't actually a christmas present but my parents buy all my baking supplies so it kinda counts.

○ a REALLY cool tablet holder ○
Ok, its rainbow coloured and I like it a lot. 

○ New Curtains (maybe???????) ○
Is the era of the ugly curtains finally over????STAy tuned

○ Actual Chocolate Selection Box ○
but it was cadburys so hello fudge goodbye everything else.

○ Money ○
aka the true meaning of Christmas.

I hope you have a really great Boxing Day and a spectacular New Years! 

ps. Christmas isn't about the presents, it's about the cards and I got some GR8 ones! Thanks to everyone who sent me one!

pps. I am v. grateful for everything that I got. I'm not a huge fan of receiving presents but I do feel v. lucky to have gotten everything that I did get. 

look at that fancy red multiple sided shape - LOOK AT IT GLITTER