This week has consisted of packing, more packing, buying boring stuff like boxes to pack and more packing. Next time I have the bright idea to suddenly redesign my room please remind me how horribly tiring the whole boxing up stuff process is. Please.
We have made some pretty good progress with the room though. On Wednesday we bought stuff for the floor and then on Saturday cleared out the room completely in order to fit the floor on Sunday. Oh yeah, and (against my better judgement) I also went to IKEA. I mean, I love IKEA, its wonderful and you can get 100 multicoloured straws for something stupid like 70p but I have been doing so much recently all I am feeling right now is terrible.
Well, right at this exact moment I feel more than terrible because I have a sore throat and what I assume is a cold which sucks. Don't worry, I cut out the 5 minutes I was talking about how miserable I am because my throat hurts. I wouldn't subject you to that.
I'm still pretty unsure about the whole bedroom thing. I thought I had a clear view of what I wanted to do but its hard to get mind thoughts into real life things ykno. I did get a pretty cool lamp though.
and i'm also crying at the price of double beds and their mattresses.

The highlight of this week was probably when I managed to turn an errand (aka getting more boxes) into meeting up with a friend for a couple of hours. I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people in general let alone when i'm at deaths metaphoric door and although it probably would have been smarter energy wise to wait until the next day for my mum to get the boxes. I wanted to do something by myself* and get out of the house.
We got pick & mix and ate chips at the motorway station (why? its a long story), we also got some doughnuts, the valentines day Krispy Kreme ones are so cute(! ok, thats why) and some stuff for pancake day. Can you say #productive!??
Okay, okay, i've totally been letting this blog die these past few weeks but I have a minorly good excuse of being a terrible combination of exhausted and full of more pain than any one human should have to endure.
The same thing happened last February which is kinda funny.
If you're stuck on blogs to read in the meantime I suggest you check out:
Little Miss Fii
Mystic Thorn
Bonnie Blondie
Dungarees & Donuts
and pretty much anyone else that I follow on Twitter that also has a blog.

Have a great day!

*by myself but with a friend so i'm not by myself