I am not the biggest fan of coats, I get that they keep you warm but.. they're bulky and heavy and completely cover up your outfit. That's three cons but only one pro that I count.
Because of this, if you were to look in my wardrobe you find only two coats. My trusty black jacket (?) and yellow rain coat.

Recently however I was walking by my local primark and they had this amazing pink coat in the window that was styled in a way that I knew I just HAD to have it. Upon further inspection I found out that they also did this coat in the grey style and luckily for me it was on sale!
So I popped the pink version on my Christmas list and the grey version in my basket.
I have been wearing this coat with pretty much everything, and by that I really do mean everything.
It's very warm and makes me feel very grownup. Plus most of the items I regularly wear are black so it makes a nice difference. 
and yes, I am aware of how heavy I did my makeup on the day of taking these photos. Go big or go home ykno
With the coat I decided to wear a simple black bodycon (?) dress that I got from Forever 21 almost two years ago. I have previously worn this to take outfit photos in but it was one of those many posts that never managed to see the light of day.
I do like this dress, don't get me wrong, but if you're a super lazy person like me that never checks to see if your dress has rolled up or not then....you're gonna have a bad time. It wont stay in one place and create lumps that you didn't even know your body had. It is comfortable though, and seeing as I was mostly taking photos that day I wanted to be comfortable more than anything.
Yes, even more than looking good.
Coat - Primark
Dress - Forever 21
Boots - River Island

photos by Fii

I've worn this outfit quite a few times since taking these photos. It's a great go-to outfit for tricking people into thinking you've actually put effort into what you're wearing. I like it.

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