On Monday we had a family meal. Alex had a super spicy curry thing and ended up needing to drink milk it was v entertaining. Afterwards I headed to Fosse Park with my mum to get some last minute Christmas presents. Picked up a new laundry basket too.

Tuesday I updated my macbook.

Wednesday I saw Becky, did some more Christmas shopping and then in the evening we picked up Adam and his lil bro and we went to go and see Star Wars : Rogue One.

On Thursday I saw Fii and helped her take a few outfit photos then we headed into Leicester where we took some more outfit photos and got something to eat.

I woke up super early on Friday and me and my mum headed to M&S to do our Christmas food shop and then slept for way too many hours once I got back. Then later on we all went over to my grandparents house to drop off presents and ended up staying for some good old chip shop food.

Spent the majority of Christmas Eve with Rebecca, our dresses for her birthday had arrived so we obviously needed to try them on and take way too many photos. Also chicken nuggets. v important.

Sunday was CHRISTMAS DAY and I didn't film a whole bunch. Quick rundown of the day goes a little like.... Opening presents w the help of Rio, retreating back to our rooms until FOOD then watching movies and the Christmas special of Doctor Who despite the fact that we don't watch the actual series anymore.

and that was my second to last week of 2016.

this vlog was hard to edit :)
