Sept 11th: How do you stay inspired? Who inspires you the most?
I thought about this one a lot. First thought that comes to mind is...nobody. I think you all might have been expecting me to say that though.

How do I stay inspired? Thats a really hard question, the answer mostly being I am one hell of a day dreamer... whether its daydreaming about meeting a friend for the first time (I have lots of online friends..) or my future ... I just day dream.
For example, most of my good ideas (like starting this blog) came from a daydream. I was blogging, writing stuff, and people read it.. that was it. I mean this silly blog already gets way more views that it did in my day dream but a daydream is the reason I started it in the first place.

To move on to who inspires me.
Just people in general, different people for each thing I need inspiring for.

For everyday life, my friends. Every single one of my friends is so impressive and talking to them just makes me want to strive to be more like them and I generally do most of my work around 2am after finishing talking to my friends and being all super happy and feeling ready to do anything.

Bloggers! They also inspire blog. Honestly I would have probably given up with blogging by now if I hadnt found so many amazing bloggers to read. I read their post and am constantly amazed at how amazing they are. I want to be better at blogging and its hard not to be inspired when there are so many amazing bloggers to inspire you (most of which are super friendly and awesome!).

and last but not least... Spoonies!
For those who arent in the know with the slang of today, fellow people who have a chronic illness. Im still working on being totally ok with sharing the knowledge that I have one and honestly if it wasnt invisible illness awareness week then I probably would have left this one out. Theres nothing cool or special about being so unwell you have to leave the first day of college early and then spend the rest of the day in complete agony while worrying that you are missing out on really important stuff (...that actually happened to me yesterday).
But fellow Spoonies on the internet definitely inspire me.
Most of who I talk to are so very open about their illness and they are so nice and understanding and encouraging. I can come online after having the worst day ever and theyre just there. Especially on twitter with the #invisibleillnessawarenessweek hashtag.. I have never felt less alone. I hope that one day I can be as nice and as encouraging and understanding as they are, while also being more open to those who dont understand.

Well, thats who inspires me. I literally have put everything out there. Im trusting all 25 of you with this knowledge so feel special ok ;)