Sept 14th: When did you start blogging and why?
 I started my very first blog when I was around 14 years old as I just wanted a place to write and (possibly) be heard without it all being too public, like facebook or twitter. Since then ive started and abandoned more blogs than I can remember.
I guess I just have extreme commitment issues haha..

The reason I started this blog was mainly because I enjoyed blogging but I really wanted to escape the persona I had created for myself on my other blog. aka the one before this one. When I started that blog I was just getting into anime and jfashion and it kinda documented my fall into weebness, starting off small with 'anime makeup' and getting into closet cosplays etc...

I found myself wanting to do more fashion posts but I didnt feel like I could do them on that blog so I made this one as a side blog but within a month I had more people reading this one than I did that one so I just switched completely..

I do love my old blog and all the posts on there but it obviously just wasnt meant to be.

and so uh.. thats my uneventful answer to why I started blogging. I feel like im the kind of person that needs that sort of not private privacy..
You see, people read my blog but not people that I know.. People are reading what I write but none of the people that do are people I interact with in my daily life.
Theres something comforting about that.
Alot more comforting than having everyone you know read everything you write.. or worse having noone read what you write.

Dayre, a blogging app, is the only place I can think of where im stupidly open and just talk about whatever with almost no filter.
(I do believe this past week could be titled 'the snot chronicles' due to the amount of times Ive mentioned snot in my posts) (attractive I know)
(can u believe im single wtf)
A few of the people I hold closest to me know of my dayre and I know that they read it sometimes and so sometimes I do try not to complain too much but dayre is a little bit of an outlet for me and they chose to read it right? I hope they dont judge me.... If they do they hide it lol.

TLDR; The reason I started blogging? I needed a place to write where people would read what I wrote but not people I know.. The illusion of a private diary with the knowledge that what you write is being read and taken in by at least one other person. Why I blog now? Its fun...
This blogtember challenge has been the only time ive really posted personally personal posts on this blog.

Sorry for no images. I was going to elaborate on my previous blog but I felt like the post went in a different direction.. thats the problem with no planning I guess.
My previous blog was please dont judge me for its content.

btw I count 15 blogs connected to this blogger account alone, and I know I have a few more on older google accounts.. >.>