Sept 15th: Make a mood board. Are you brainstorming a room re-do, or are you dreaming of glamping with gal-pals? Share a collage of any kind! (Examples here and here).
 Tricky, ive never made a mood board before. Everyone says they had to do it in D&T in KS3 but im pretty sure by the time we had to do that I was already out of education...
Making a collage is hard because my brain just doesnt like that kind of thing. If I ever had to do an inspiration book it would be a book with one image on each page... ha id read that...

Anyway I bit the bullet and just went for it. I dont know if this is the correct way to make a mood board or not but I sure do hope so..

Thinking about it I probably could have done a mood board for my upcoming birthday celebration as its my first big celebration since I turned 13, however I chose to do fashion because its a constant thing in my life.
My tumblr is basically one big mood board but its on a queue and usually runs about two months behind so here we go... a look into my current clothes obsessions
•Chunky shoes •Knee/Thigh high socks •High waisted skirts •Ankle length socks •Taylor Swifts hair •Glitter eye makeup •High waisted everything •Oversized clutches •

As you can probably see, Ive gone crazy for black and white and even all black coordinates recently.. This has been a growing obsession for me since the middle of spring but only now does it seem appropriate to wear them. I guess lucky for me because a lot of highstreet stores are really into this at the moment too!

Also included (but not shown) is; over sized tops, crop tops, rompers, red lipstick, bold eyebrows, chokers...oh the list could go on

I got my hair cut just under a week ago and ever since then Taylor Swift has been a really big hair inspiration for me.. not that I can pull off any of her hair styles, just that id like to...

Well thats my mood board! It was fun finding the pictures but not so much fun putting them together. I have 10 different layouts and im still not sure if im happy with the one that I picked.

Images from // // // //
and google for Tays face.

PS. a friend convinced me to make a facebook page please go and like it!