Sept 6th: A "currently..." post. Tell us what you're loving, hating, reading, eating, etc. If you want to borrow a list, mine is here.
Id like to specifically thank Bailey for linking to a previous list of hers otherwise I would have been completely lost with this post. I really like the idea of it and might continue this on through the upcoming months even after blogtember has ended??

...reading the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter. Currently on book 5. Also on and off reading the Kamikaze Girls manga after accidently buying it instead of the book book.

...watching literally any tv show I can get to hold my interest. In the past couple weeks I finished marathon watched all six seasons of Parks & Rec for the first time, watched the final episode of season 1 of Young & Hungry, watched a few episodes of a few tv shows trying to find something else to watch, found Ground Floor and watched all the available episodes and then found Faking it and watched all available episodes of that. 
I really like really easy to watch bubblegum tv comedies. Which all of the above fall into that category, apart from Parks & Rec ... that is an amazing tv show that everyone needs to watch right this moment.
I should also probably note, apart from when I was marathon watching Parks & Rec I managed to keep up with my regular schedule of tv shoes too.. Luckily for me most are on a break right now?

...trying to keep up with making these posts. Only six days in and im already struggling..

...eating complete junk, but thats not new. Ive eaten three cobs in the past 1.5 weeks and thats more in the past 7 months combined, also I really like the taste of Mccoys Salt & Vinegar Crisps 50G .... only the 50g bags and I can only manage to eat one packet a day.

...tweeting the link to my blog many many times a day... >.>

...going crazy with boredom, yet also stress. 

...loving having my brother back at school and not at home during the day... These days between him going back to school and me starting college are ones so truly precious to me.

...enjoying time to myself. Time to spend watching tv shows and buying shoes because I have nothing better to do. The rest of September is going to be a hectic month and so is October.

...thinking and also freaking out about college. Im going to have to use a lift ... daily!

...feeling pretty terrible. Without going into detail, im still recovering from seeing my friend on Wednesday. 

...hoping that ill settle into the education system well after formally being out of it for 3 years .. and not panic or sweat too much

...listening to Emma Jayne, Lorde, Taylor Swift and The Pierces.. Im a cliché. 

...thanking my friends for putting up with all of my complaints about everything and also anyone who has commented on any of my posts recently.. 

...starting to realize how fast time is going by, I cant believe its practically autumn already or that im going to be 18 in one month and one day. I cant believe im taking such a huge step (for me) with my education or that ill be travelling to London by myself in October. Things are changing and im not good with change.

Thankyou for reading!