Victoria Park, Leicester

Sept. 8: Tell us about your favorite season. Why is it your favorite and what does it say about you?

This is probably the easiest post to write out of all the prompts. You see...autumn is my favourite month. Spring second, winter third and summer last....

The reason autumn gets first place is for a number of reasons. Its my birthday season, halloween and the crunchy orange leaves that make leaving your house very nice and picturesque. It also marks the end of summer and therefore the end of the screaming kids at the park near my house every single day.
Summer gets called the colourful month, but I think autumn's colours are way nicer.

Its the best season to drink hot chocolate and bake things with movies on in the background, the air is less stuffy and you can wear that jean/jumper combo you love without dying of heatstroke or hypothermia.
I dont know why most jumpers are this weird thickness that isn't good for winter or summer.
but they are.

and for those who love Christmas, as soon as Halloween ends it marks the beginning of the countdown to the big day! (Even though autumn ends Dec 1st) (please tell me other people start counting down from Nov 1?)

Basically, autumn is the pre-festive month! That is probably the best way I can describe it, there's so much energy in the air (or is buzz the more appropriate word?) and I really enjoy that!
So much to do and so little time.

Oh, and did I mention its my birthday month?hahaha


ps. I like things because I like them, there usually isnt a reason. I either do or dont. Hope you enjoyed me trying to find reasons I like autumn. Its a pretty rad month, if I do say so myself.

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