Sept. 26: What's on your to-reading list, and what have you recently read? 

Ah books. At first thought I was pretty sure this post was going to be a walk in the park but then I remembered....I stupidly mentioned every single book I have been reading in my 5 Books post. Which was not the best move now that I think about it.
It's been a slow few months books wise. Every few months or so I re-read Daddy Long Legs and I still haven't finished reading The Girls of Murder City. I really should. It's not an easy read though so my little brain can't handle that right now.

When it comes to books I want to read, it's mostly just about finishing series. For example, about 3/4 years ago I read every available book of the House of Night series- and I really liked it. But as the author(s) were still writing the books and i'm a terribly impatient person and only managed to wait for one more to be published before I lost interest. There is a reason why I only watch TV shows one season at a time. I tried that episode by episode thing with GOT and .. yeah.. I don't watch that anymore.
Other than finishing series the only way I find books to read is via recommendations by other people or whatever is the cheapest/looks the worst in the book aisle at the supermarket. I love terrible books. I mean, I love great books too, but terrible books are the best. Well, worst. But best.

So without further ado, here is my list of books to read!

  The rest of the Hamilton High series by Kody Keplinger- Like i've said a bunch of times, the DUFF wasn't the worst book in the history of books, and I like the genre so.. why not. Just have to remember to not watch any other movie adaptations this series may bring.

  One Day by David Nicholls- I have had this book on my bookshelf for who knows how many years, but I have never read it. I don't even remember why I bought it but it's just sitting there with its obnoxious orange cover and I really feel like it's time to read it. I should probably start by reading the blurb though...which I will do right after writing this. 

  The 4/5 books by Cat Clarke that I haven't read- A couple of years ago Olivia wrote a review on one of her books called Undone and I thought it sounded really good and instantly bought a copy to read. I really liked it. Ever since then I have been meaning to read her other books but have just never gotten around to it. I really like her style of writing, it makes it hard to put the book down. 

  Girl Online: On Tour by Zoella + Ghostwriter- not gonna lie. I liked the first book. If I were to find myself with the second I wouldn't not read it.   There's nothing that makes it (the first book) stand out from other YA books, and i've definitely read better but it made for a good couple hours read so whats to say the second one wouldn't?

  Any book that you in the comments might suggest!
I am always open to new suggestions, in fact I welcome them! I will give literally any kind of book a try, it doesn't have to be YA / an easy read. So let me know what books you have been loving and that I should check out ♡

Hope you have a lovely day!


 ps. I've double checked this but my brain and writing has not been cooperating today, so if there are any mistakes I apologise.

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