Sept. 25: Three songs you are connecting with right now.
Oh this is a fun topic! I love talking about music, it's one of my favourite things. The way everyone has different favourite songs and different reasons as to why they're their fave. 

Let's jump right in! (in no particular order...)

Happy - Marina and The Diamonds
When I first listened to Marina's new album this was the only song I really liked, in time the rest of them grew on me (and now I can safely say that I can badly sing along to every lyric of every song). 
Not only does the song just sound really nice but the lyrics just - dare I say - are very relatable? It follows the topic of her battle to find happiness and just has so much hope in it. Its really nice to listen to.
Comforting also - like maybe i'll be happy one day, perhaps it's actually possible.
You should read this interview Marina did.
I picked the acoustic video to show here because it's a really pretty video, you can view the album track here

Bunny in a Bunny Suit - Simone White
Following on from Marina's song, I feel like I can relate a lot to this song too.. It's probably a feeling a lot of people get, not feeling like you know who you are anymore and that you only continue with stuff bc that's what others know you to like. Feeling like you have to play a part just to be yourself (does that make any sense?) 
"of all the disguises I've ever worn. I flatter myself in the most sincere form"
I've been feeling like I don't know who I am anymore, and as someone who finds it quite hard to put thoughts into words- it's nice that there's a song that does it for me.
It isn't my favourite song on Simone's album 'Yakiimo' but it's definitely the one I am connecting with most right at this moment in time.

Mrs. Potato Head - Melanie Martinez
This song kinda centers around the idea of plastic surgery and its consequences. It's one of those songs that just nice to listen to in the background but when you really listen you realise the lyrics are really clever?
"Oh, Mrs. Potato Head tell me. Is it true that pain is beauty?”
It's probably one of my favourite songs on her album although it doesnt have as much of a meaning to me than the other two songs. I just really like the lyrics.
"If you want a little more confidence. Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense. 
All you need's a couple more condiments. And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments"

That is three songs that I am really liking/connecting with right now.
Let me know some of yours in the comments!! ♡


 ps. I have a feeling i'm going to really like reading everyone elses posts today. Love finding out what kind of music others listen to.

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